National Medical College

कृपया ध्यान दें: कुछ असामाजिक तत्व हमारे जैसी वेबसाइट बनाकर छात्रों को गुमराह कर रहे हैं। सटीक जानकारी और सहायता के लिए, कृपया आप स्वयं हमारे कैम्पस आएँ या नीचे लिखे फोन नंबरों पर हमसे संपर्क करें। Please note: Some antisocial elements are deceiving students by creating websites similar to ours. For accurate information and assistance, please visit our campus or reach out to us at the below mentioned contact details.
In collaboration with Bharat Sevak Samaj, NIOS, IGNOU university & Healthcare sector skill council

Recognised by IGNOU as National Medical IGNOU Community College

Certificate in Homeopathic Dispensing (CHD)

Eligibility: 10th Pass | Duration: 1 Year | Fee: INR 20,000

The Certificate in Homeopathic Dispensing (CHD) is a specialized course designed to provide comprehensive training in the dispensing of homeopathic medicines. This course is typically conducted over a period of one year and is aimed at equipping students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in homeopathy dispensing.

Curriculum and Training

The CHD curriculum includes a detailed study of homeopathic principles and practices, focusing on subjects such as elementary anatomy, elementary physiology, the history of homeopathy, and the fundamental principles of homeopathic medicine. The course also covers the introduction to homeopathic pharmacy and dispensing techniques. Practical training is a significant component, involving hands-on sessions where students learn to prepare and dispense homeopathic remedies effectively. The curriculum is designed to ensure that students gain a thorough understanding of homeopathic treatments and the proper management of dispensary operations.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the CHD program can pursue various career paths within the field of homeopathy. They are qualified to work as homeopathic dispensers, pharmacists, or compounders in homeopathic hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. Additionally, with the necessary licenses, graduates can start their own homeopathy pharmacies. The course opens up opportunities in both public and private sectors, where there is a growing demand for professionals trained in alternative and complementary medicine.

Program Objectives

The main objectives of the CHD program are to develop skilled professionals who can competently handle the dispensing of homeopathic medicines and manage pharmacy operations. The program aims to provide students with a solid foundation in homeopathic principles and the practical abilities needed to apply these principles in real-world settings. It also seeks to promote the understanding and application of ethical practices in the dispensing of homeopathic treatments.

Please note: The above details are the general details of the course and must not be considered as the course details being offered by National Medical College.

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